Tuesday, January 2, 2018

You are valuable! (Week 1, Day 5)

It took me 40 years to find out that I had value. All those years I had believed the lie that I was worthless. Our worth is found in our identity, but I did not know who I was. Perhaps I would have introduced myself as a mother of seven, a pastor's wife, a Christian, a college graduate, a world traveler. But not until I learned to identify myself as a child of God did I realize my own value. We are valuable because God made us and chose us. A piece of art is made valuable by the artist. Even a few squiggles by Monet or Van Gogh would be worth a small fortune. In the same way, you are of extreme value because the One who made you is famous. He is the king of the whole universe and He chooses to call you His child. Inasmuch as paintings are made valuable by the painter’s fame, so gold is made valuable by the amount someone is willing to pay for it. Consider how valuable you are since God gave His most precious possession for you, namely His only son, Jesus.

·       Look up the following Bible verses to meditate upon and to ask the Father to show you how valuable you are to Him. Write down the verse that is most meaningful to you: Psalm 139:14, Isaiah 43:4, Deuteronomy 32:10, Matthew 10:29-30





·       Write your thoughts or a prayer of thanksgiving to the One who has made you valuable.






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